Brazilian Original MDF Box with Rosary São Miguel Religious Collectible Articles
The Box with Rosary São Miguel is made of MDF, on the outside it is adhesive and raw on the inside. The rosary comes inside the box for our customer. It is a great gift for a devotee and to express affection for the same! All sides of the box is stickered with the prayer: ''Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in combat, be our refuge against evil and the snares of the devil. God commands him, we instantly ask him; and you, prince of the heavenly militia, by divine virtue. Cast Satan and all the evil spirits that walk around the world losing their souls to hell. Amen." It's one of several kit options with rosaries in our store!
Product measurements: Box: 6 cm wide. 5.3 cm tall. 6.1 cm long. Third: 41 cm long. Cross: 5 cm high. 2.7 cm wide. Approximate dimensions.
-01 MDF Box with Rosary São Miguel