Puzzle 200 peças Mapa do Brasil / Puzzle 200 Pieces Map of Brazil - Grow
Mais que um passatempo divertido, os quebra-cabeças desenvolvem o raciocínio, relaxam e se transformam num autêntico hobby.
Quantidade de peças: 200
Tamanho aproximado do puzzle montado: 30,5 x 45,3 cm
Idade: a partir de 7 anos
Be sure to play and have fun with this puzzle! There are 200 pieces, for you to fit one to one until you form an incredible image of Brazil's map, to learn a little more about our territory and states. More than a fun hobby, the puzzles develop the reasoning, relax and become an authentic hobby.
More than a fun hobby, puzzles develop the reasoning, relax and become a Authentic hobby.
Amount of pieces: 200
Approximate puzzle size Mounted: 30.5 x 45.3 cm
Age: from 7 years