Puzzle 200 peças Horários do Mundo / Puzzle 200 World pieces of the world - Grow
by Grow
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Horários do Mundo é um quebra-cabeça para aprender e se divertir! Possui 200 peças que se encaixam e formam o mapa-múndi, dividido por cores de acordo com os fusos horários do mundo. É um puzzle didático, que além de superdivertido, introduz esse conceito às crianças. Mais que um passatempo divertido, os quebra-cabeças desenvolvem o raciocínio, relaxam e se transformam num autêntico hobby. Quantidade de peças: 200 Tamanho aproximado do puzzle montado: 30,5 x 45,3 cm Idade: a partir de 7 anos
World schedules is a puzzle to learn and have fun! It has 200 pieces that fit and form the world map, divided by colors according to the time spindles of the world. It is a didactic puzzle, which in addition to superdivertide, introduces this concept to children. More than a fun hobby, the puzzles develop the reasoning, relax and become an authentic hobby. Quantity of parts: 200 Approximate size of the puzzle mounted: 30.5 x 45.3 cm Age: from 7 years
World schedules is a puzzle to learn and have fun! It has 200 pieces that fit and form the world map, divided by colors according to the time spindles of the world. It is a didactic puzzle, which in addition to superdivertide, introduces this concept to children. More than a fun hobby, the puzzles develop the reasoning, relax and become an authentic hobby. Quantity of parts: 200 Approximate size of the puzzle mounted: 30.5 x 45.3 cm Age: from 7 years