Iron Studios Mini Co Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Figure Action Collection DC
Harley Quinn originally appeared in the animated series Batman: The Animated Series, created by the duo Paul Dini and Bruce Timm in 1992. The positive reaction from critics and audiences to the character has made her a constant presence in this and subsequent Batman animations. , until 1999 when she was also included in the DC comics universe. Initially as a psychiatrist, then partner and romantic partner of the insane Joker, she became one of Batman's most iconic villains. Today in the comics she is portrayed more as an anti-heroine, acting as a justice rather than a criminal. She made her theatrical debut in the movie Suicide Squad, introduced to the DC movie universe, played by actress Margot Robbie.
- Mini Heroes Collection.
- Art Creations - Marcio Hum.
- Design - Chiaroscuro Studios.
- Approximate Measurement: 13cm.
- Material: Plastic.
- Approximate Weight: 200 grams.
- Collectable Decorative Item.
-01 Iron Studios Mini Co Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Miniature DC Comics